Dina did her homework. - Dina didn't do her homework., Tom and Roy went to the park. - Tom and Roy didn't go to the park., Sam ate omelette for breakfast. - Sam didn't eat omelette for breakfast., His parents flew to Chile last week. - His parents didn't fly to Chile last week., Maria swam in the sea two days ago. - Maria didn't swim in the sea two days ago., Dan came home at 5 p.m. - Dan didn't come home at 5 p.m., Daisy ran to school yesterday morning. - Daisy didn't run to school yesterday morning., Mark drew a picture of a giraffe. - Mark didn't draw a picture of a giraffe., Sally rode a scooter to school. - Sally didn't ride a scooter to school., We sang a beautiful song yesterday. - We didn't sing a beautiful song yesterday.,

SM3 Past Simple making negative sentences



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