feel blue. - What has happened? You look like you , hard up at the moment. - I need to buy a new backpack but I am , speak of the devil. - When the person who you are talking about suddenly calls you, you , on the same boat. - You also haven't passed the test? So we are , keep in touch. - Let's call each other every week so we , afraid of his own shadow. - Tom was robbed on the street and now he is , an arm and a leg. - I didn't buy the latest mobile phone because it would cost me, hit the books. - I have to pass this test so it's hing time to , a piece of cake, I got a 100%. - The test was, keeps her fingers crossed for me. - When I take an exam my mum always , changed my mind and I just called him. - I wanted to visit my friend but then I , easier said than done. - I want to exercise regularly but it's , on cloud nine. - I got a 100% in the test so I am , on my nerves. - Maddie is too loud. Her voice really gets, Break a leg then! - Are you taking your driving test tomorrow? ,

English sayings and idioms in sentences.



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