1) What prefix means "not?" a) over b) dis c) non d) under 2) What prefix means "on top of" a) dis b) non c) over d) under 3) What prefix means "beneath?" a) under b) dis c) non d) over 4) what prefix means "more of?" a) non b) under c) dis d) over 5) What prefix means "less of?" a) non b) dis c) under d) over 6) James thinks Gaston is an _______achiever because he doesn't practice. a) over b) dis c) under d) non 7) It was _____cast because of all clouds in the sky. a) dis b) under c) non d) over 8) Gophers usually live ______ground if they can. a) under b) dis c) non d) over 9) Coal is a _____renewable material because it cannot be recycled. a) dis b) non c) over d) under 10) It is _____honest of someone to lie about something that happened. a) under b) non c) over d) dis

Prefixes (dis, non, over, under)


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