لمْ أَرَكَ - I did not see you, أَمْس - Yesterday , كُنْتُ مَرِيْضًا - I was sick, شَعرْتُ - I felt, ٍبِأَلَمٍ شَدِيْد - Strong pain, فَأَ عْطَانِي - So he gave me, َالدَّوَاء - Medicine, تَحَسَّنْتُ كَثِيْرًا - I am getting a lot better, َنَسَحَك - He has advised you, أَمَرَني - He instructed me, بِاسْتِخْدَامٍ - By using, ِفُرْشَاةِ الأَسْنَان - Toothbrush, ِالمَعْجُوْن - Toothpaste, ِتَجَنُّب - To avoid, ِأَكْلِ الحَلَوِيَّات - Eating sweets, حَثَّنَا - Encouraged us,

Vocab for ِCleaning of teeth - تنظيف الأَسْنَان


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