What is the largest country of the world? - Russia, The capital of Russia is - Moscow, The official language of Russia  - Russian, Russia is located in - Asia and Europe, The number of the countries that border Russia - 14, The mountains range that divided European Russia from Asian Russia - Ural mountains, Siberia is located - The Asian Russia, Steppes - Treeless plains, Taigas - Sprawling pine forests in siberia, Longest river in Europe - Volga, Longest river in Asia - The Yenisey, Most famous lake located in Siberia - Lake Baikal, Permanently frozen soil that often lies beneath the tundra and the taiga - The permafrost, Tundra - Frozen land with low vegetation, Subarctic climate is found - Near the Arctic ocean to the north, The Peninsula Kamchatka is famous for - 160 volcanoes, 29 of which are active., Modern Russian Ethnicity - East Slavs, What are the main resources of Russia - Coal, oil, gas, nickel, minerals (mainly in siberia) ,


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