A measurement of the coarseness or fineness of aggregates - fineness modulus, What is the sample for compressive strength determination of a structural concrete? - concrete cylinder sample, 2.What is the test to determine the consistency of concrete? - Slump test, 3.What is Item 311 of the DPWH Specification (Blue Book)? - Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, As a Materials Engineer, how can you determine that the sample placed in the oven is already oven – dried? - if the sample reaches its constant weight, An admixture is being introduced to the fresh concrete mixture for heavily reinforced concrete structure using a pumpcrete to pump out the fresh concrete mix, what admixture should it be? - Superplasticizer, 6.The minimum cement factor for concrete Class “A” is 9 bags/cu.m, how about for concrete Class “B”? - 8 bags/ cu.m, 7.Quality control testing in a DPWH project is the responsibility of the_____? - Contractor, 9.What is the basis for the acceptance or rejection of any construction material? - Materials test results/reports, 10.Slump test is a very important test in fresh concrete to determine _____? - consistency of concrete, 8.As Materials Engineer, when is the right time to start sampling and testing aggregates? - Once the source is identified, 11.The maximum size of stone for stone masonry. - 150 mm, 12.The maximum size of aggregate for item 300. - 1 inch, 13.Range of sand size. - 2.0 mm to 0.050 mm Ø, 14.The ratio of the volume of voids to volume of solids - void ratio, 15.The ratio of the weight of water to the weight of solids - moisture content, 16.In roadway construction test on sub grade, the following will determine the economical thickness, except - embankment, An embankment shall be compacted layer by layer. - 150 mm, Class of concrete used in all superstructures and heavily reinforced substructures. The important parts of the structure included are slabs, beams, girders, columns, arch ribs, box culverts, reinforced abutments, retaining walls, and reinforced footings. - Class A, Class of concrete used in footings, pedestal, massive pier shafts, pipe bedding and gravity walls, unreinforced or w/ only a small amount of reinforcement. - Answer: Class B, Class of concrete used in thin reinforced sections, railings, pre-cast piles, cribbing, and for filler in steel grid floors. - Answer: Class C, Class of concrete used in pre – stressed concrete structures and members. - Answer: Class P, Who will approve the job – mix formula? - DPWH PE and ME, What is the material that is used as a load transfer device held in a position parallel to the surface and center line of the slab of pavement? - Answer: dowel, The surface of the pavement shall be roughened by means of _____ - Answer: brooming, The standard fineness modulus of sand is about _____ - Answer: 2.75, Additives used in concrete mixing. - Answer: admixtures, mixture of cement and water is - Answer: cement paste, The type of additive that is used to delay the setting of fresh concrete. - Answer: retarder, The type of additive that is used to attain maximum early compressive strength of concrete. - Answer: accelerator, The best enemy of construction. - Answer: water, Material that has the greatest load carrying capacity - Answer: sand and gravel, A cement which has a cementitious effect - Answer: Portland cement, The limit of water – cement ratio of concrete - Answer: 0.50 – 0.60, What is the CBR requirement for Item 201? - 80% maximum, For how many bags of cement does a 10 kgs. sample represents? - 2000 bags, Sample to be used for liquid limit and plastic limit tests should pass to what sieve? - Ans: No. 40 (0.425 mm), The minimum compressive strength for concrete Class P is 5,000 psi, what is the minimum compressive strength for concrete Class C? - Ans: 3000 psi, Penetration test is for asphalt: cement is to _____? - Answer: consistency, Quality Control Assurance Report should be submitted every _____? - Answer: week, How many samples should be taken for every 75 cu.m fresh concrete? - Ans: 1 set consist of 3-pcs sample, What is the length required for RSB sample for quality test? - Ans: 1.0 m/10,000 kg/size/shipment ,


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