circular - involving movement in a circle, downside - a disadvantage or negative aspect of something, government - the people who control a country, region, or town and make decisions about its laws and taxes, speechless - so surprised, upset, or angry that you cannot think of anything to say, bank clerk - someone whose job is to look after the documents in an office, bank etc, honestly - in a way that is honest and moral, keep going - to continue to do something although it is difficult, tall - used for talking about measurements of height, underground - below the surface of the ground, lorry - a truck, sidewalk - the pavement by the side of a road, crazy - not at all sensible or practical, present - a thing that you give sb as a gift, apartment - a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large building. The usual British word is flat., post - a piece of writing that is published on the internet, shoot - to take photographs, or to make a film or video, impressive - you admire it, for example because it is very good, large, or shows great skill, comment - a written or spoken remark giving an opinion, feature - an important part or aspect of something, matter - to be important, fake - made to look like something real in order to trick people, interviewer - someone who interviews people, especially as a job, trendy - extremely fashionable, but often silly or annoying, parking lot - a car park, surprising - unusual, or unexpected, syllable - a word or a part of a word that has only one vowel sound, illegal - not allowed by the law, theatre - a building, room, or outside area used for performing plays, get off - to leave a bus, plane, or train, famous - a lot of people know their name or have heard about them,

OW3 U2 Definitions 1


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