To rush into - I’ll need some time to think. I don’t want to rush into a decision., To think (a decision) over - Thank you for that offer, but I need to think it over., To look at (an option) - I think we should look at getting a dog., To think (a situation) through - We need to think it through. ("it" means the whole wedding situation), To take (a factor) into account - We should take the neighborhood into account., Play with fire - “You’re playing with fire if you join a street gang.”, Put all your eggs in one basket - “You’re putting all your eggs in one basket if you only serve one market. What happens if the market disappears?”, Skate on thin ice - “He’s skating on thin ice by leaving all his exam revision to the last minute.”, Have a lot to lose - “We have a lot to lose if they don’t accept our proposal.”, Play it safe - “She’s always played it safe in her career choices.”, Risk life and limb - “The coastguards risk life and limb when they go out in stormy conditions.”, Take a leap in the dark - I had very little information about the company, so writing to them was a leap in the dark., To face danger - In the modern world, we rarely face existential danger head-on.,

Risk & Decision-Making Situations: Phrasal verbs & expressions


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