In dire straits - In a very bad or difficult situation, Come up against a brick wall - To face a major obstacle while trying to do something, Stumbling block - A situation that causes difficulty or hesitation, Clutching at straws - To be willing to try anything to improve a difficult situation, even if it has little chance of success, Draw a blank - To fail to get or think of an answer or a result, The crux/heart of the matter - The basic, central or critical point of an issue, Clouds on the horizon - Something bad or problematic will happen in the near future, The elephant in the room - An obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about, Pass the buck - To shift responsibility for something to someone else, Dig oneself into a hole - To get oneself into an awkward or restrictive situation, Have one’s work cut out for them - To face a difficult task, To be between a rock and a hard place - To be in a situation where one is faced with two equally different alternatives, Come to grips with - To begin to deal with or understand, To be at one’s wits’ end - To be so worried, confused, or annoyed that you do not know what to do, To cross a bridge when one comes to it - To delay worrying about something that might happen until it actually does happen, Spreading oneself too thin - To try to do too many things at the same time, so that you can’t give enough time or attention to any of them,

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