Name a holiday destination or attraction that you think is not all it’s cracked up to be., Name a time when holiday accommodation didn’t live up to expectations., Name an activity or experience that you think would be a fate worse than death (keep it light hearted), Name someone who is a bit rough around the edges but is still a good person., Name a time when a friend. colleague, or family member let you down., Name a film or book where you thought the ending was a let-down., Name an entertainer, singer, actor or sports person who is past their sell-by date., Name a time when you decided something was the last straw., Name an item of clothing that has seen better days, but that you still love., Name an appliance or tool that you own, that is on its last legs and may need replacing soon., Name an activity that others love, but that is not your cup of tea., Name a time when a product you bought was not up to scratch., Name an experience or interaction that left a bad taste in your mouth.,

Bad things idioms - conversation


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