1) which country is the best a) india b) pakistan c) palistine d) china e) saudi arabia f) israel 2) which ideloligy is the best a) captilsim b) COMUNISM 3) when was pakistan created a) 1857 b) 1948 c) 1945 d) 1947 e) 1933 f) 1940 4) which contrys were defeat in ww2 a) n@zi germany b) kingdom of italy c) japanese empire d) soveit union e) usa f) uk 5) which contrys were defeat in ww1 a) germen  empire b) ottoman empire c) france d) usa e) russia f) uk 6) what wars were in the cold war a) indo-pak war b) sino-indian war c) korean war d) veitnam war e) cuba missle crises 7) how many wars did india and pakistan have a) 1 b) 4 c) 5 d) 2 e) 3 f) 6 8) for how long pakistan has been under british rule a) 90 years b) 100 years c) 80 years d) 70 years e) 60 years f) 50 years




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