1) Chop the carrots. a) Turn the button so that the stove heats up. b) Heat the soup for 30 minutes. c) Take the top off the can and tip the tomatoes into the pot. d) To cut the carrots into small pieces. 2) Pour the chicken stock into a large pot. a) Put the salt and pepper into the soup. b) Move the soup from the pot to bowls. c) To cut the carrots into small pieces. d) To tip the chicken stock into a large pot. 3) Add the chopped carrots, onion, celery, and potatoes to the pot. a) Take the top off the can and tip the tomatoes into the pot. b) Put the salt and pepper into the soup. c) To put these vegetables into the pot. d) To cut the carrots into small pieces. 4) Open the can of tomatoes and pour it into the pot. a) To cut the carrots into small pieces. b) Turn the button so that the stove heats up. c) To tip the chicken stock into a large pot. d) Take the top off the can and tip the tomatoes into the pot. 5) Add the salt and pepper. a) Put the salt and pepper into the soup. b) Move the soup around with a spoon. c) To put these vegetables into the pot. d) Take the top off the can and tip the tomatoes into the pot. 6) Turn on the stove to medium heat. a) Turn the button so that the stove heats up. b) Put the salt and pepper into the soup. c) To cut the carrots into small pieces. d) To put these vegetables into the pot. 7) Stir the soup. a) Put the salt and pepper into the soup. b) Take the top off the can and tip the tomatoes into the pot. c) Move the soup around with a spoon. d) To cut the carrots into small pieces. 8) Cook for 30 minutes. a) Move the soup from the pot to bowls. b) Turn the button so that the stove heats up. c) To tip the chicken stock into a large pot. d) Heat the soup for 30 minutes. 9) Pour the soup into bowls. a) To put these vegetables into the pot. b) Move the soup from the pot to bowls. c) To cut the carrots into small pieces. d) Put the salt and pepper into the soup.

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