What are enzymes? - Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up the rate of chemical reactions. They remain chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction., In the lock-and-key hypothesis, what do the lock and key represent? - The enzyme is the lock and the substrate is the key., What is the enzyme-substrate complex? - The enzyme-substrate complex is formed when the substrate binds to the active site of the enzyme., What is activation energy? - Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy that reactants must have for a chemical reaction to start., What does the lock and key hypothesis state? - The lock and key hypothesis states that enzymes are specific in action as only the specific substrate has the complementary shape that can bind with the active site of the enzyme., What is denaturation? - Denaturation is the change in 3D shape of the active site of the enzyme that results in the enzyme being unable to catalyse the chemical reaction., What happens to an enzyme-catalysed reaction when temperature is higher than the optimum temperature? - The enzyme is denatured and the shape of the active site changes. The substrate can no longer bind to the active site and no enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. Rate of reaction decreases., What is the meaning of optimum temperature? - Optimum temperature is the temperature at which the rate of reaction is the highest., What is the meaning of optimum pH? - Optimum pH is the pH at which the rate of reaction is the highest., What happens to enzymes when temperature is too low? - The enzyme has low kinetic energy and there is low rate of enzyme-substrate complex formation., What happens to an enzyme-catalysed reaction at the optimum temperature / pH? - The rate of enzyme-substrate complex formation is at the highest, leading to the fastest rate of reaction., What happens to an enzyme-catalysed reaction when pH deviates from the optimum? - The enzyme is denatured and the shape of the active site changes. The substrate can no longer bind to the active site and no enzyme-substrate complexes are formed. Rate of reaction decreases.,


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