1 - Read : "I watched TV last night"., 2 - Read : "I read a book last week"., 3 - What's my name ?, 4 - Name 3 cities in England., 5 - Name 3 cities in the USA, 6 - How old is your neighbour ? , 7 - What's the date today ?, 8 - When is Halloween this year ? , 9 - Translate : "Je ne parle pas Italien mais je parle l'espagnol.", 10 - Name two activities you like doing (in a sentence, of course)., 11 - Name 5 English speaking countries, 12 - Name 5 words that follow this alphabetical order : 1) A...2)B...3)C...4)D...5) E..., 13 - Make sentences (about you or a friend) with these words : years / happy / brown hair / blue, 14 - Name 8 animals, 15 - Read these numbers : 13, 57, 136. , 16 - Count from 20 to 1, 17 - translate : "Pouvez- vous m'aider ? , 18 - How are you today ? Why ? (= because...), 19 - What was the date yesterday ? , 20 - Give the capital city of Australia. , 21 - How many countries are there in the UK ? , 22 - How many students are there in your class ?, 23 - When were you born ? , 24 - How do you say "hier" in English ? , 25 - Do you have any siblings ? , 26 - What's the English for 'frères et soeurs' ? (one word of 8 letters), 27 - Give one resolution for this year. , 28 - Spell your last name in English. , 29 - Where are you going after your English class ? , 30 - What time is it ? ,

1st lesson



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