1) Functioning of the body and its systems a) Mortality b) Physical health c) Emotional health d) DALY = 2) To form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others a) Social health b) YLL c) Health d) Mental health 3) To express feelings in a positive way a) Health b) Morbidity c) Emotional health d) Physical health 4) The state of a person's mind or brain a) Self assessed health status b) Health c) Mental health d) Mortality 5) Ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the mind a) Social health b) Life expectancy c) Spiritual health d) DALY = 6) A state of physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing a) Health b) Life expectancy c) Emotional health d) Mortality 7) An individuals or populations overall health a) Emotional health b) YLL c) Health Status d) Mortality 8) Own perception of health and wellbeing a) Life expectancy b) YLD c) Health d) Self assessed health status 9) The number of years of life to a person if the death rates remain unchanged a) Life expectancy b) Spiritual health c) Morbidity d) Mortality 10) The number of deaths in a population at a certain time a) Mortality b) Health Status c) Burden of disease d) Morbidity 11) Years of Life Lost due to premature death a) YLL b) Health c) Social health d) Morbidity 12) ill health in an individual or ill health within a population a) YLD b) Health Status c) Emotional health d) Morbidity 13) Years Lost due to Disability a) Emotional health b) Self assessed health status c) YLD d) Burden of disease 14) Combines mortality data with morbidity data a) YLL b) Burden of disease c) Social health d) YLD 15) YLL + YLD a) DALY = b) Mortality c) Mental health d) Burden of disease

Healthy Australians - CAT 1 Revision


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