What is 'Aided Communication'?, What are the benefits of using alternative ways to communicate?, How do you support someone who uses Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Define 'Learning Disability'., Give an example of a learning disability misconception. , How can you tell if someone has a learning disability?, How are learning disabilities diagnosed?, Give examples of specific learning disabilities., How can you support individuals with Dyslexia?, What are the signs of Dysgraphia?, What are the signs of Dyspraxia?, What are the signs of Dyscalculia?, What is Aphasia?, What are the causes of learning disability?, Can a learning disability be heredity?, What can happen to a baby if there are problems during pregnancy and birth?, Name some strategies for working with individuals who have a learning disability., What classroom adjustment are used to help individuals with learning disabilities?.

OP 1.5 Learning disabilities end of unit quiz


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