1) The ... flight of chicken was 13 seconds. a) long b) longer c) longest 2) Goldfish have got the ...memory of all animals. a) bad b) worse c) worst 3) Dolphins are very ... animals. a) clever b) cleverer c) the cleverest 4) An ostrich's eye is .... than its brain. a) the biggest b) bigger c) big 5) The tiger is the....member of the cat family. a) larger b) largest c) large 6) A chinese water deer is so..... when it's born that you can hold it in one hand. a) smaller b) small c) the smallest 7) A hippo can run...than a man. a) faster b) the fastest c) fast 8) An elephant tooth is... than a human baby. a) the heaviest b) heavy c) heavier 9) Labradors are ... pet dogs in the world. a) popular b) the most popular c) more popular

comparatives and superlatives



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