1) What happens to plastic trash when it gets into the ocean? a) It breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces. b) It dissolves and decomposes in the water. c) It sinks to the bottom and gets buried under the sand. 2) Nowadays plastic is in almost everything. a) true b) false 3) In the past, packages used to be made of paper, glass or metal. a) true b) false 4) What are these materials made of? a) metal b) plastic c) wood d) glass 5) Candles are made of glass. a) true b) false 6) Look at the picture and complete the sentence: The picture shows the use of sand, lime and soda in ... a) the process of glass production. b) the process of paper production. c) the process of plastic production. 7) Every now and then you hear people saying “Don’t waste paper” or “Recycle paper” to save trees. That's because... a) trees need paper to survive. b) trees are made from paper. c) paper is made from trees. 8) Papyrus is the name of the first type of paper known. a) false b) true 9) Look at the image. What is the material the grandpa turtle is eating? a) glass b) wood c) plastic 10) Grandpa turtle thinks the plastic bag is... a) trash b) a toy c) food




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