...sweat honey or always smell like a skunk?, ... be an Olympic athlete or the president?, ... have butterfly wings or a horse tail?, ...drink sour milk or eat rotten eggs?, ...have the chance to design a new toy or direct a movie?, ...go to the zoo or an aquarium?, ...live on the Moon or live on Mars?, ...have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot?, ...eat donuts or candy?, ...be the funniest person alive or the smartest person alive?, ...have 5 brothers or 5 sisters?, ...be able to control the weather or have the ability to talk to animals?, ...kiss a frog or hug a snake?, ...have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?, ...jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or strawberry ice cream?, ...see a firework display or go to a concert?, ...be a doctor or a scientist?.

SEL Would You Rather?


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