1) The phone's ringing. a) I'll do it in a minute. b) I'll send it to you. c) I'll answer it. 2) I haven't got your e-mail address. a) I'll answer it. b) I'll get the bus c) I'll send it to you. 3) It's your turn to do the washing-up. a) I'll answer it. b) I'll do it in a minute. c) I'll help you carry them. 4) Did you take any photos at the party? a) I'll e-mail some to you. b) I'll see you there at 4 o'clock. c) I'll get the bus. 5) It's Sally's birthday next week. a) I'll answer it. b) I'll buy a present on Saturday. c) I'll do it in a minute. 6) The film starts at 4:15. a) I'll do it in a minute. b) I'll send it to you. c) I'll see you there at 4:00. 7) These bags are heavy. a) I'll help you carry them. b) I'll do it in a minute. c) I'll get the bus. 8) I can't take you in the car. a) I'll do it in a minute. b) I'll get the bus. c) I'll see you there at 4:00.

Will for decisions - Will za odluke


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