1) Towards the Wind a) Windward b) LeeWard c) Aft d) Ahead e) Amidships f) Astern 2) Away from the Wind a) Windward b) Leeward c) Aft d) Pinching e) Quarter f) Amidships 3) Directly sideways from your boat a) Windward b) Leeward c) Luff d) Downwind e) Midships f) Abeam 4) Something away from where the wind is coming from a) Windward b) Leeward c) Broaching d) Astern e) Downwind f) Bear Away 5) In the middle of the boat a) Windward b) Amidships c) Quarter d) Ahead e) Astern f) Abeam 6) When a boat is making progress backwards a) Sternway b) Broaching c) To Weather d) Astern e) Ahead f) Aft

Junior Sea Cadets Nautical Terms



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