a well-known person you wish you could meet or could have met, a new gadget you wish you had, a name you wish your parents had called you instead of yours, something you wish your local government would improve in your city, a concert or a sporting event you wish people wouldn't do in the cinema, something you wish people wouldn't do in the cinema, an activity you wish you didn't have to do every day, a language (not English) you wish you could speak, something you wish you had learnt when you were younger, something you wish you hadn't spent your money on, a TV show you wish they had made more series of, somebody you wish you could see more often, a group or singer you wish would come and play in your city, something you wish people wouldn't do on social networking sites, something annoying you wish someone in your family wouldn't do.

Speaking: I wish (NEF Upper-intermediate Communicative)


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