
8 12

Mūsų bendruomenės pavyzdžiai

Rasta 6 062 pagal 8 12

Present simple
Present simple Viktorina
Numbers 1 to 20
Numbers 1 to 20 Viktorina
kids 4 Routine verbs
kids 4 Routine verbs Žodžių paieška
Sports Equipment
Sports Equipment TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
In, on or under? Pre-kids
In, on or under? Pre-kids Viktorina
Parts of the house -Look 1-
Parts of the house -Look 1- Labirintas
Where is the...? (Parts of the house)
Where is the...? (Parts of the house) Viktorina
Prepositions of place -IN, ON, UNDER, NEXT TO.
Prepositions of place -IN, ON, UNDER, NEXT TO. Viktorina
Grooming Teisingai arba neteisingai
NUMBERS 1 to 5
NUMBERS 1 to 5 Viktorina
Furniture -Bright Ideas 1 unit 8-
Furniture -Bright Ideas 1 unit 8- Teisingai arba neteisingai
HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY: CINEMA TIME! TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Tiempos verbales
Tiempos verbales Priskyrimas grupėms
NUMBERS 1-10 Atsitiktinės kortos
Food adjectives
Food adjectives TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Free time activities
Free time activities Rask tinkamą
Ruleta con Rimas
Ruleta con Rimas Laimės ratas
Equipos de fútbol de Argentina
Equipos de fútbol de Argentina Žodžių paieška
Ruleta de ideas para escribir cuentos locos
Ruleta de ideas para escribir cuentos locos Laimės ratas
¿DÓNDE DICE...? Viktorina
Sumas y restas
Sumas y restas Laimės ratas
Jobs Židimas „Kartuvės“
Parts of the body -Pre kids-
Parts of the body -Pre kids- Žodžių paieška
Possessive Adjectives -KIDS 4-
Possessive Adjectives -KIDS 4- Viktorina
Pre-Intermediate Mixed Tenses
Pre-Intermediate Mixed Tenses Viktorina
THE TIME! BINGO Laimės ratas
Which do you prefer? Why?
Which do you prefer? Why? Laimės ratas
How do we have fun? -TOYS-
How do we have fun? -TOYS- Diagrama su kortelėmis
Prepositions of place -Pre Kids-
Prepositions of place -Pre Kids- Teisingai arba neteisingai
Present simple and present continuous
Present simple and present continuous Atsitiktinės kortos
Hoy crearas un cuento en este juego.
Hoy crearas un cuento en este juego. Viktorina
Look and say. What did they do yesterday?
Look and say. What did they do yesterday? Atidaryk langelį
Daily routines
Daily routines Rasti tinkamą
FOOD- Big Surprise unit 4
FOOD- Big Surprise unit 4 TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Viktorina
Make sentences in the present continuous!
Make sentences in the present continuous! Laimės ratas
We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner!
We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner! Rasti tinkamą
Possessive adjectives 2
Possessive adjectives 2 Rask tinkamą
Daily routines
Daily routines Vaizdų viktorina
 Hit the past participles
Hit the past participles Pataikyk į kurmį
Going to the zoo!
Going to the zoo! TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Cálculo mental. Suma y resta
Cálculo mental. Suma y resta TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Fracciones: ¿cuántos paquetes necesito para armar el entero?
Fracciones: ¿cuántos paquetes necesito para armar el entero? TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
What can you do? -Unit 4-
What can you do? -Unit 4- Diagrama su kortelėmis
On the farm -Look 1-
On the farm -Look 1- Viktorina
Atención Desafíos Maths
Atención Desafíos Maths TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Reported speech
Reported speech TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
What can animals do?
What can animals do? Teisingai arba neteisingai
Comparative Adjectives (animals)
Comparative Adjectives (animals) Iššifruok
Personality Adjectives
Personality Adjectives Anagrama
Was/Were/Wasn't/Weren't - Questions and sentences
Was/Were/Wasn't/Weren't - Questions and sentences Atidaryk langelį
Comparative and Superlative adjectives
Comparative and Superlative adjectives Labirintas
Actions & Activities -BI Starter-
Actions & Activities -BI Starter- Viktorina
My town -Unit 7- Look 1
My town -Unit 7- Look 1 Rask porą
KIDS 4 - Adverbs of frequency
KIDS 4 - Adverbs of frequency TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
At home
At home Diagrama su kortelėmis
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