

Mūsų bendruomenės pavyzdžiai

Rasta 360 pagal stories

Make a story (more advanced connectives!)
Make a story (more advanced connectives!) Žodžių magnetai
Hansel and Gretel comprehension quiz
Hansel and Gretel comprehension quiz Viktorina
Make a story! (simple)
Make a story! (simple) Žodžių magnetai
Story settings and adjectives
Story settings and adjectives TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
The Enormous Turnip Labelling
The Enormous Turnip Labelling Diagrama su kortelėmis
The Enormous Turnip Quiz
The Enormous Turnip Quiz Viktorina
The very hungry caterpillar Quiz
The very hungry caterpillar Quiz Viktorina
Jack & the Beanstalk - characters and actions
Jack & the Beanstalk - characters and actions Rask tinkamą
Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales Balionų sprogdinimas
Nouns and Adjective match Jack and the Beanstalk
Nouns and Adjective match Jack and the Beanstalk Rask tinkamą
Little Acorns - Ordering Seasons
Little Acorns - Ordering Seasons Rask tinkamą
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Three Billy Goats Gruff Užbaikite sakinį
Fairy tale keywords
Fairy tale keywords Kryžiažodis
prie Anonimas
Primary 2 Wow Word Wheel
Primary 2 Wow Word Wheel Laimės ratas
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - characters
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - characters Diagrama su kortelėmis
Three Billy Goats Gruff - cloze exercise
Three Billy Goats Gruff - cloze exercise Užbaikite sakinį
My Little Pony characters
My Little Pony characters Žodžių paieška
Somebody swallowed Stanley quiz
Somebody swallowed Stanley quiz Rask tinkamą
🐽🐽🐽 The Three Little Pigs - Find the match!
🐽🐽🐽 The Three Little Pigs - Find the match! Rasti tinkamą
HOW? - Fronted adverbial starter
HOW? - Fronted adverbial starter Laimės ratas
Dragons in the City - Christmas or Chinese New Year?
Dragons in the City - Christmas or Chinese New Year? Priskyrimas grupėms
The 5 Senses
The 5 Senses Laimės ratas
Plurals Pataikyk į kurmį
Guess The Animal.
Guess The Animal. Vaizdų viktorina
casual conjution spinner
casual conjution spinner Laimės ratas
Who’s the goat
Who’s the goat Pataikyk į kurmį
Percy the Park Keeper - The Lost Acorns
Percy the Park Keeper - The Lost Acorns TV žaidimo tipo viktorina
Mr Gale's Garden Retell
Mr Gale's Garden Retell Eilės tvarka
Mr Gale's Garden Retell with words
Mr Gale's Garden Retell with words Eilės tvarka
Robot Rick Matching Pairs
Robot Rick Matching Pairs Rask porą
Rapunzel Gap fill
Rapunzel Gap fill Užbaikite sakinį
HTML Viktorina
Match the character to its traditional tale
Match the character to its traditional tale Židimas „Kartuvės“
Peaches Rasti tinkamą
The Smartest Giant in Town
The Smartest Giant in Town Užbaikite sakinį
Match the character to its traditional tale
Match the character to its traditional tale Rask tinkamą
Mr Gale's Garden Wordsearch
Mr Gale's Garden Wordsearch Žodžių paieška
Nice or Naughty Traditional Tales Characters
Nice or Naughty Traditional Tales Characters Priskyrimas grupėms
Flat Stanley!
Flat Stanley! Laimės ratas
On Your Marks Kit and Sam!
On Your Marks Kit and Sam! Viktorina
The Great Kapok Tree - words
The Great Kapok Tree - words Rask porą
The troll in the pond
The troll in the pond Viktorina
Robot Rick toys
Robot Rick toys Žiūrėkite ir įsiminkite
The Big Sports Quiz
The Big Sports Quiz Žodžių paieška
Six Dinner Sid - ordering
Six Dinner Sid - ordering Eilės tvarka
When did we see that? Grandad's Island
When did we see that? Grandad's Island Atidaryk langelį
TLC: Can I order events in a story?
TLC: Can I order events in a story? Eilės tvarka
Aliens Key Words
Aliens Key Words Rasti tinkamą
Ten Little Lights
Ten Little Lights Priskyrimas grupėms
The Scarecrows` Wedding quiz
The Scarecrows` Wedding quiz Viktorina
Rapunzel matching pairs
Rapunzel matching pairs Rask porą
True or False The Great Escape
True or False The Great Escape Teisingai arba neteisingai
Daffodils Quiz
Daffodils Quiz Viktorina
Ten Little Lights Comprehension
Ten Little Lights Comprehension Viktorina
Hedgehog imitate
Hedgehog imitate Užbaikite sakinį
Rapunzel Vaizdų viktorina
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