CARD 1: The only artery which carries deoxygenated blood is:, CARD 2:Which of the following helps in maximum transport of oxygen?, CARD 3:Translocation utilizes energy (ATP) to transfer ______ into phloem tissue., CARD 4:transpiration and_______help in transport of water in plants., CARD 5:Water absorption through roots can be increased by keeping the potted plants:, CARD 6:What prevents the back flow of blood inside the heart during contraction?, CARD 7:The phloem tissue in plants is responsible for the transport of:, CARD 8:Which one of the following has cytoplasm but no nucleus:, CARD 9:The process of carrying food from the leaves to other part of a plant is called:, CARD 10:Which of the following is the only conducting tissue in non flowering plants?, CARD 11:Which of the following helps in the upward movement of water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves through the stem?, CARD 12:Which of the following parts of plants is the store- house of energy?, CARD 13:What prevent the backflow of blood in heart?, CARD 14:Valves are not found in, CARD 15:Which of the following statements is not true about blood plasma?.


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