1) She moved _________________ the crowd. a) through b) across c) under 2) I'm ________________ Oulu.  a) up b) from c) on 3) We drove ____________________ the main road. (pitkin)  a) over b) across c) along 4) They arrived _________________ Helsinki. a) to  b) in c) on 5) He ran ____________________ the station. (ohi) a) past b) over c) into 6) They went _____________ the temple. (sisälle) a) up to b) into c) on 7) People are walking _______________ the hill. (alas) a) under b) in c) down 8) See you ________ eight o'clock! a) on b) at c) in 9) I was born ____________ 2006. a) in b) on c) at 10) Valentine's Day is celebrated ________________ February. a) at b) on c) in 11) We had our English test _______ Wednesday. a) on b) at c) in

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