1) I have a long neck. I am tall. I am orange and yellow. I live in the safari. a) a giraffe b) a lion c) a tiger 2) I have big ears. I have a long nose. I am big. I am gray. a) a dolphin b) an elephant c) a rhino 3) I live in trees. I have 2 arms and 2 legs. I am brown. I like bananas. I can jump. a) a bear b) a monkey c) a wolf 4) I am big and fat. I am black and white. I have 2 arms and 2 legs. I eat bamboo. a) a zebra b) a white tiger c) a panda 5) I am small. I have 4 legs. I have a long tail. I love drink milk. a) a sheep b) a kitten c) a turtle 6) I am big and fat. I live on a farm. I am black and white. I give milk. a) a cow b) a horse c) a donkey 7) I am big.  I don't have legs. I have a big mouth. I can swim and jump. I live in the sea. a) a dolphin b) a jelly fish c) an octopus 8) It has many colors. It is small. It can fly. It can talk. a) a duck b) a parrot c) a fish 9) It has long ears. It is white, brown, gray or black. It has a short tail and short legs. a) a rabbit b) a turtle c) a hen 10) It has 2 wings. It has 2 legs. It can walk but* אבל it can't fly. it gives eggs. a) a duck b) a hen c) a bird

Animal riddles- Click 3 Unit 3

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