1) Wetlands with trees and shrubs are a) bogs b) swamps c) marshmallows d) forests 2) Wetlands with moss and rich soil are a) bogs b) swamps c) lakes d) rivers 3) Wetlands with reeds and grass are a) swamps b) rivers c) marshes d) mud 4) Wetland soil is low in a) water b) sunlight c) marshes d) oxygen 5) How do wetlands help the environment? a) They filter and hold water b) They collect water and sunlight c) They have fresh and salt water d) They are pretty and quiet 6) Which types of plants can be found in a freshwater environment? a) cacti b) water lilies c) palm trees d) sagebrush 7) Which features allow kelp to float? a) rootlike structures b) leaflike structures c) clumping together d) balloon like structures 8) Which animals live in a freshwater environment? a) eelgrass b) amphibians c) octopuses d) whales 9) A mangrove tree takes in oxygen through its a) trunk b) root c) flowers d) seeds 10) What adaptations do fish have to living in water? a) frills b) gills c) jills d) bills 11) Coral is found in a) tropical forest b) temperate forest c) tropical ocean d) temperate ocean 12) Some animals stay safe in the ocean with a) camouflage b) jamouflage c) comrade d) breathing 13) Herons are adapted to hunt in wetlands because a) they have big eyes b) they can stand very still c) they have furry feet d) they eat plants 14) Walking catfish can a) ride a bicycle b) hold air in a pocket c) live out of water for months d) swim in saltwater 15) . . . . . . . . . . water environment is a mixture of fresh and salt water. a) Catfish b) Backfish c) Blackish d) Brackish 16) A long period with little or no rainfall is a . . . . . .  a) bog b) drought c) wetland d) amphibian 17) An animal that can live on both land and water is a . . . . . . a) mammal b) reptile c) amphibian d) amorphous 18) A species that no longer exists is . . . . . a) extinct b) amphibian c) peat d) extant 19) Rich soil found in bogs is . . . . a) drought b) bog c) peat d) marsh 20) A wetland with soft-stemmed plants such as reeds and grasses. a) bog b) marsh c) swamp d) wetland

G4 Science Water Environments


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