Who is calling please? - This is George Clooney speaking., Who do you want to speak to? - I would like to speak to Julia Roberts., Hi Paul, it’s Mark. How are you? - Very well thank you, and you?, Is Mona in? (non) - No, I am afraid not. She will be back at 10 am., Can you call back later? - Yes I can, what time would be suitable., Can you spell your name? - Yes, it's D-I-C-K-E-N-S-O-N, What is your phone number? - It's 0044 1534 859791, What is the reason for your call? - I am calling to enquire about staff vacancies., Sorry, I don't understand. - I'll say that again more slowly., Do you have his number? - No, I am afraid I don't.,

Au Téléphone - A2- Expression orale

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