It’s a great song. I love ____! - it, We can’t speak Italian very well. Can you help ____? - us, The phone’s ringing! Can you answer ____? - it, I often call Ellie, but she hardly ever calls ____. - me, Can you go to the boss’s office? She wants to see ____. - you, Where are my keys? I can’t find ____! - them, Hello again! Do you remember ____? My name’s Matt. - me, Lorna really likes Nick, but I don’t think he likes ____. - her, Is Kate’s boyfriend nice? I don’t know ____. - him, We don’t know this city. Can you tell ____ some places to visit? - us, This hotel’s very noisy. I don’t like ____. - it, My sister works in Germany. I don’t see ____ very often. - her, I’m free tonight. Do you want to come to the cinema with ____? - me, Your sister phoned. She needs to speak to ____. - you, My husband gets home late, but I always have dinner with ____. - him, George and Natalia are really nice. I like ____. - them, We’re going to the theatre tonight. Do you want to come with ____? - us,

Object pronouns

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