1) pay ___ something a) to b) for c) in d) from 2) spend money ____ something a) in b) from c) on d) at 3) Invest ____ something a) from b) on c) for d) in 4) Lend money ___ someone. a) at b) for c) to d) from 5) Borrow money ___ someone. a) for b) from c) to d) at 6) Charge someone money ____ something. a) from b) in c) onto d) for 7) Get ____ debt. a) into b) for c) to d) in 8) I took ____ money from the cash machine. a) off b) out of c) out d) of 9) Can you pay me _____ the money you owe me? a) from b) back c) to d) out 10) I live ____ my parents because I'm too young to have a job. a) in b) under c) on d) off 11) It is difficult nowadays to live ___ one salary. a) on b) off c) of d) in

Unit 2A Intermediate English file 4e Money prepositions and phrasal verbs

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