Supreme Court - The highest court in the UK political system, Elective dictatorship - A government that dominates Parliament, usually due to a large majority, and therefore has few limits on power, Judicial review - The power of the judiciary to review, and sometimes reverse, actions by other branches of government that breach the law or that are incompatible with the HRA , Judicial independence - The principle that judges should not be influenced by other branches of government, particularly the Executive, EU - A political and economic union of a group of European countries, Legal sovereignty - Sovereignty in theory, Political sovereignty - Sovereignty in practice, Four Freedoms of the EU - The principle of free movement of goods, services, capital and people within the EU's single market, Judicial neutrality - The principle that judges should not be influenced by their personal political opinions and should remain outside of party politics, Ultra vires - Literally 'beyond the powers'. An action that is taken without legal authority when it should have it.,

Relations between the branches


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