market research - collecting info about what people buy and why, press release - komunikat prasowy (from a business to the journalists), to implement sth - wprowadzić, to bring sth down - to reduce the level of sth, penetration - a level of sales in a particular area, intellectual property - creation of the mind, industrial proprty - własność przemysłowa, patent - the exclusive right to make/use/sell an invention, trademark - words/symbols that differentiate a company, copyright - protects literary and artistic works, industrial design - process of designing the shape, features, etc. of manufactured products, to counterfeit sth - to make an exact copy of sth (podróbka), piracy - piractwo, wilful of (a bad/harmful action) - umyślny, z premedytacją, infringement - violation of a law/agreement, damages - financial compensation, disclaimer - zrzeczenie się, faulty/defective - not working/not made correctly (wadliwy), liable for sth - responsible for sth, personal injury - szkoda osobowa,

Marketing 7

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