be addicted to - cannot live without it, e.g. a substance, get into the habit - learn how to do sth regularly, have a craving for sth - want sth badly, break a habit - give up e.g. smoking, get drunk - consume too much alcohol, have a hangover - the consequence of drinking too much, have a sweet tooth - have a soft spot for sweets, compulsive gambling - play e.g. cards for money without any limits, blind drunk - drink so much alcohol that one is disoriented, highly addictive - a thing that easily makes one an addict, examine a patient - check what the patient might be down with, undergo treatment - get medication and other medical assistance due to a disease or an accident, contagious disease - a disease which people spread, have cramps - a sharp pain e.g. in your muscles, relieve pain - one takes a painkiller to do that, sprain an ankle - step in a way that makes it impossible and painful to walk, administer medicine - receive/give medicine, make a full recovery - no longer ill, incurable disease - a disease that one cannot fully recover from, throbbing pain - pain that is very sharp, take a blood sample - what nurses do to check the patient's cholesterol levels etc., eating disorder - e.g. anorexia, general practitioner - GP, prescription medication - any medication that is prescribed by the doctor,

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