1) Which Dutch artist painted this style? a) Rembrandt b) Vincent Van Gogh c) Sandro Botticelli d) Hieronymus Bosch 2) Which classic painting is this? a) The Birth of Venus b) Girl with a Pearl Earing c) Mona Lisa d) The Last Supper 3) Who painted the original? a) Leonardo da Vinci b) Michelangelo di Ludovico Buonarroti Simoni c) Donato di Nicocolo di Betto Bardi d) Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino 4) This style of art was made famous by Pablo Picasso. What is it called? a) Surrealism b) Impressionism c) Cubism d) Pop Art 5) Graffiti comes from the Italian word graffiato meaning what? a) Spray paint b) Scratched c) Vandalism d) Wall painting 6) Roy Lichtenstein paints in what style? a) Art Nouveau b) American Pop Art c) Fauvism d) Abstract Art 7) Which artist painted Campbell's soup declared that everyone will be famous for 15 minutes? a) Banksy b) Jean-Michel Basquiat c) Andy Warhol d) Bob Ross 8) Who is my favourite artist? a) Pabo Picasso b) Monet c) Kandinsky d) Banksy 9) Who is the author? a) Banksy b) Pavement Picasso c) Jean-Michel Basquiat d) Blek le Rat 10) Who is the author? a) Banksy b) Pavement Picasso c) Jean-Michel Basquiat d) Blek le Rat 11) Who is the author? a) Banksy b) Pavement Picasso c) Jean-Michel Basquiat d) Blek le Rat 12) Who is the author? a) Banksy b) Pavement Picasso c) Jean-Michel Basquiat d) Blek le Rat

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