
Английский язык Daily life

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What time is it?
What time is it? Nejaušības ritenis
Present Simple.
Present Simple. Pabeidziet teikumu
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Prepositions. Yuhnel.
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Prepositions. Yuhnel. Pabeidziet teikumu
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Questions. What-Where-When.
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Questions. What-Where-When. Saderību meklēšana
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 7. Story matching.
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 7. Story matching. Saderību meklēšana
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 4. Vocabulary.
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 4. Vocabulary. Atmiņas kāršu spēle
Present Simple -s ending
Present Simple -s ending Viktorīna
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 4. Vocabulary matching.
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 4. Vocabulary matching. Saderību meklēšana
4 Form. Unit 3. Telling the time. Yuhnel
4 Form. Unit 3. Telling the time. Yuhnel Saderību meklēšana
4 Form. Unit 3.Daily life. Lesson 3. Vocabulary practiсe.
4 Form. Unit 3.Daily life. Lesson 3. Vocabulary practiсe. Saderību meklēšana
4 Form. Unit 3. Lesson 2. Vocabulary. Yuhnel
4 Form. Unit 3. Lesson 2. Vocabulary. Yuhnel Saderību meklēšana
4 Form. Unit 3.Daily life. Lesson 1. Picture dictionary. Yuhnel
4 Form. Unit 3.Daily life. Lesson 1. Picture dictionary. Yuhnel Nejaušības ritenis
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 7. Ex. 3a
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 7. Ex. 3a Sakārtošana
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 5. Letter secrets.
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 5. Letter secrets. Saderību meklēšana
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Telling the time practiсe. Lapickaya
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Telling the time practiсe. Lapickaya Atveriet kastīti
Questions about Schools in Belarus
Questions about Schools in Belarus Nejaušās kārtis
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lessson 5. Ex. 2a,b.
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lessson 5. Ex. 2a,b. Patiess vai nepatiess
Daily life
Daily life Saderību meklēšana
Daily life
Daily life Saderību meklēšana
daily life
daily life Kārtošana grupās
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 7. Story.
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 7. Story. Viktorīna
4 Form. Unit 3.Daily life. Lesson 3. Vocabulary.
4 Form. Unit 3.Daily life. Lesson 3. Vocabulary. Atmiņas kāršu spēle
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Vocabulary practise. Yuhnel
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Vocabulary practise. Yuhnel Anagramma
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 2. Vocabulary.Yuhnel
4 Form. Unit 3. Daily life. Lesson 2. Vocabulary.Yuhnel Atveriet kastīti
Grade 4 Daily life
Grade 4 Daily life Viktorīna
Daily routin
Daily routin Atrast saderības
daily life (4 form) word order
daily life (4 form) word order Sakārtošana
Questions about life experience
Questions about life experience Nejaušās kārtis
Unit 3  Daily life (4th form)
Unit 3 Daily life (4th form) Atrast saderības
 Daily life
Daily life Viktorīna
Present Simple + Daily life
Present Simple + Daily life Pabeidziet teikumu
Daily routine
Daily routine Diagramma ar etiķetēm
4th form Unit 3 Daily Life
4th form Unit 3 Daily Life Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Stages of life
Stages of life Atrast saderības
 Daily routine warm-up
Daily routine warm-up Nejaušās kārtis
Daily routines
Daily routines Anagramma
Daily routine
Daily routine Saderību meklēšana
Unit 6_lesson 1
Unit 6_lesson 1 Saderību meklēšana
 Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple
Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple Viktorīna
Verb "to be". revision
Verb "to be". revision Atveriet kastīti
Unit 3_lesson 2
Unit 3_lesson 2 Atrast saderības
Pets Saderību meklēšana
Questions "to be"
Questions "to be" Nejaušās kārtis
Form 4_Unit 3_lesson 3
Form 4_Unit 3_lesson 3 Spēļu viktorīna
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Nejaušās kārtis
Form 4_Unit 3_lesson 3
Form 4_Unit 3_lesson 3 Balonu pārduršana
Form 4_Unit 7_CLOTHES
Form 4_Unit 7_CLOTHES Nejaušās kārtis
Past Simple questions
Past Simple questions Nejaušības ritenis
3 Сomplete the sentences
3 Сomplete the sentences Pabeidziet teikumu
irregular verbs: anagrams (part 1)
irregular verbs: anagrams (part 1) Anagramma
Tell me about the last time ...
Tell me about the last time ... Atveriet kastīti
5_17 U2 L1  Go to the country and enjoy nature
5_17 U2 L1 Go to the country and enjoy nature Kārtošana grupās
Unit 3_lesson 2
Unit 3_lesson 2 Saderību meklēšana
Present Simple and present continuous
Present Simple and present continuous Trāpiet kurmim
5 irr verbs (1-28)
5 irr verbs (1-28) Atveriet kastīti
Weather Nejaušās kārtis
This That
This That Diagramma ar etiķetēm
How would you feel in this situation?
How would you feel in this situation? Nejaušības ritenis
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