Mes vacances de rêves - My dream holidays, My vacances idéales - My ideal holidays, pour mes vacances de rêves... - for my dream holidays..., seraient... - they would be..., j'irais... - I would go..., Je voyagerais... - I would travel..., Je mangerais bien - I would eat well, Je logerais.../ Je resterais... - I would stay, ce serait pittoresque - it would be picturesque, ce serait passionant - it would be exciting, ce serait incroyable - it would be incredible, ce serait merveilleux - it would be marvellous, ce serait reposant - it would be relaxing, ce serait formidable - it would be great, ce serait luxueux - it would be luxurious, Je nagerais avec les possions tropicaux - I would swim with tropical fish, Je m'amuserais - I would have fun, Je ferais des randonnées - I would go hiking, Je logerais un hôtel cinq étoiles - I would stay in a 5* hotel, il y aurait du soleil tous les jours - there would be sun every day,

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