If I (speak) perfect English..., If I (go) back in time..., If I had known the class was cancelled..., If I had woken up on time..., If men (have) babies..., If you could change your name, what would you change it to?, Providing that the weather is good...., If I (can) make one change in the world..., If I (have) the chance to study something different..., If I (am) president of my country..., If I (can) change something about my course..., If you were going to a desert island for one year, what one book would you take?, If I had listened to your advice..., If you had billions of euros, would you give to charity and if so, which charities?, If animals (can) talk..., If Catalunya (become) independent..., If I (can) live anywhere in the world..., If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be?, If you were the world's best at something, what would you like to be best at?, If I (live) in England.....



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