1) Sonia looks like she's falling / going to fall asleep any minute!  a) 's falling b) going to fall c) both 2) When I leave school, I'm being / going to be a journalist. a) being b) going to be c) both 3) When Jake's got his degree, he's going / going to go to drama school for a year. a) going b) going to go c) both 4) Watch out or you're getting / going to get into trouble! a) getting b) going to get c) both 5) When are they realising / going to realise that they have to improve their customer service? a) realising b) going to realise c) both 6) It sounds like we're not having / going to have a sales conference this year. a) having b) going to have c) both 7) I think house prices are falling / going to fall in about six months. a) falling b) going to fall c) both 8) Why is Tony applying / going to apply for that position? a) applying b) going to apply c) both 9) I'm pretty sure that building's being / going to be knocked down next week. a) being b) going to be c) both 10) There's no doubt the events of the last few days are being / going to be written about by future historians. a) being b) going to be c) both 11) We're discussing / going to discuss this in detail in the next meeting. a) discussing b) going to discuss c) both 12) You're not handing / going to hand in your resignation tomorrow, are you? a) handing in b) going to hand in c) both 13) Fiona and Jerry aren't becoming / going to become arrogant when they release their CD, are they? a) becoming b) going to become c) both 14) The airline industry's having / going to have to cut costs in the near future. a) having b) going to have c) both 15) I can't come to the beach this weekend, I'm afraid, as we'll visit / we're visiting my grandparents. a) we'll visit b) we're visiting c) both 16) The Prime Minister will answer / is answering all of your questions in due course. a) will answer b) is answering c) both 17)  I'll look / I'm looking after the neighbours' kids tomorrow evening so I can't come bowling a) I'll look b) I'm looking c) both 18) Shall / Will we move on to the next item on the agenda now? a) Shall b) Will c) both 19) 'I don't feel well at all.' 'Are you going to / Will you be sick?' a) Are you going to b) Will you c) both 20) The last bus leaves / is leaving at midnight a) leaves b) is leaving c) both 21) Karen, shall / will I give you a hand with that report? a) Shall b) Will c) both 22) I'm afraid I'm not having / I won't have time to finish all this work today. a) I'm not having b) I won't have 23) When does she / is she going to get round to having new business cards printed? a) does she b) is she going to c) both

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