star - gigantic ball of hot gases that give off thermal energy(heat) and light energy from its core, solar flare - an explosive eruption of waves and particles into space, sunspots - dark spots that move on the face of the sun, constellation - a group of stars that form a pattern that help navigators map the night sky, Big Dipper, Little Dipper - examples of constellations, Polaris - the North Star is important in navigation because it is almost directly above the North Pole, it is very hot and large, sun - a medium sized star that looks large from Earth because it is the closest star to Earth, photosphere - inner layer of the sun's atmosphere, it gives off light energy we see, chromosphere - middle part of the sun's atmosphere,"color sphere" , corona - outer layer of the sun's atmosphere, "the crown", seen during solar eclipses,

What is a Star?


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