1) There ... a plane. a) is b) are 2) There ... a boat. a) is b) are 3) There ... a small dinosaur. a) isn´t b) aren´t 4) There ... two kites. a) are b) is 5) There ... any trains. a) isn´t  b) aren´t 6) There ... lots of balls. a) are b) is 7) In my classroom there´s a ... a) blackboard b) blackboards 8) There ... a park opposite your school. a) is b) are 9) There ... an old church. a) is b) are 10) There ... any kites in the toy shop. a) isn´t b) aren´t 11) There ... lots of shops. a) is b) are 12) ... there a park opposite your school? a) are b) is

There is/there are


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