Camels have broad feet. - This helps them to walk on sand without sinking into it., Camels have two toes with a web of skin between them. - This helps to make their feet wider and stops them sinking into the sand., Camels have long legs. - This helps them to walk across soft sand and to reach leaves and fruit in tall trees., Camels are light brown in colour. - This helps to camouflage them so predators cannot see them easily., Camels have long eyelashes. - This helps to stop sand blowing into their eyes., Camels have fur on their hump but not all over their body - This protects their humps from sunburn, but allows them to lose heat from the rest of their bodies., Camels can store fat in their hump. - This helps them to travel long distances without food., Camels can drink 100 litres of water at one time. - This helps them to walk a long way between drinks. Water holes are far apart in the desert., Camels can close their nostrils when they want to. - This stops sand going up their noses when they are in a sandstorm.,

14i Camels (from Racing to English)

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