1) What were the colors of the 1st Kuwait flag? a) red and blue b) red and white c) red and yellow 2) What are the colors of Kuwait's flag today? a) green, white, red, black b) red, green, white c) black, white, red 3) What 2 countries share borders with Kuwait? a) Iraq and Turkey b) Saudi Arabia and Iraq c) Qatar and Saudi Arabia 4) In what year was Britain the protectorate of Kuwait? a) 1848 b) 1869 c) 1899 5) In what year did Britain end the protectorate of Kuwait? a) 1961 b) 1941 c) 1981 6) Which island in inhabited by people? a) Bubiyan b) Warbah c) Faylaka 7) In what year did the Iraqi's invade Kuwait? a) 1989 b) 1990 c) 1991 8)  In what year did Kuwait get liberated? a) 1989 b) 1990 c) 1991 9) What does it mean to have freedom? a) a power or right to act b) a power or right to act, speak c) a power or right to act, speak, or think as you want. 10) What does it mean to have PEACE? a) a state of period where there is not war. b) no war and there is freedom from disturbance. c) a war has ended.

Kuwait History Quiz


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