Say/said: Did Lucy ___ she would be late?, Lisa ___ that she was leaving her husband., Anna ___ she didn't like Peter., The woman ___ she was a reporter., They asked me a lot of questions but I didn't ___ anything., Ann ___ goodbye to me and left., I wonder where Sue is. She ___ she would be here at 8 o'clock., The doctor ___ that I should rest for at least a week., Tell/told: Annie ___ us that she had a problem., He ___ the teacher that he had left his homework at home., Can you ___ Mark that I can't meet him tonight?, Jack ___ me that you were ill., Please don't ___ Dan what happened., ___ us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time?, Dan ___ me that he was bored with his job., Gary couldn't help me. He ___ me to ask Chris.,

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