1) The rugby player represented his ... a) nation b) notion c) nasion d) naetion e) nation f) nation 2) The young girl was the centre of ... a) atention b) attension c) atension d) attention e) attention f) attention 3) The man questioned his ________ when he couldn't see the score. a) vissun b) vision c) vissin d) vison e) vision f) vision 4) The car moved in a circular __________ around the roundabout. a) mosion b) mosun c) motion d) motion e) motion f) mosion 5) The teacher asked the students a ... a) questun b) question c) queston d) question e) questin f) question 6) The boy got the ________ sum correct. a) adition b) addision c) addition d) adision e) addition f) addition

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