1) This is Marko. This is _______ cat. a) her b) his c) our 2) This is my mum. ________ name is Anna. a) its b) your c) her 3) These are ______ crayons. I like them! a) my b) her c) their 4) __________ teeth are very sharp. a) their b) his c) its 5) This is Novak. ________ arms are strong. a) my b) his c) our 6) We are a family. _________ surname is Petrovic. a) our b) their c) your 7) Look at the boys. __________ game is fun. a) our b) your c) their 8) We live in this house. ______ house is big. a) your b) their c) our 9) Tom lives in a town. _______ town is Vrbas. a) her b) my c) his 10) __________ names are Anna and Henry. a) your b) their c) my 11) This is Taylor Swift. ______ hair is fair. a) her b) my c) its 12) Look at the tiger! ________ tail is long. a) his b) her c) its 13) This is my teacher. ______ name is Emma. a) his b) your c) her 14) "What's _______ name?" - "Megan" a) your b) our c) its 15) They are best friends. _______ names are Sally, Samy and Amy. a) our b) their c) your 16) I am Samantha. ______ shirt is white. a) her b) your c) my

Possessive Adjectives - Year 3


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