secret - Shh...don't tell it's a____, ballet - A type of dance, pirate - "Arrr!" said the ____, senate - A group in the government , habit - A have a bad ____ of biting my nails, summit - The top of a mountain, orbit - Plans travel in this way , private - Sometimes I like to keep things ____ or to myself, target - Where you aim something , racket - You need this to play tennis, buffet - A big assortment of food!, comet - This is like a shooting star, closet - You keep your clothes here, magnet - This holds things to metal surfaces, unit - A ___ fraction has 1 as a numerator, credit - I want my mom's ____ card to go shopping!, limit - There is a ___ to how much I can spend when I go shopping, quiet - Sometimes it is nice to work in ___ classroom, rocket - This shoots up into space!, bandit - This is another word for thief, merit - This means to do good , jacket - I need to wear this when it is cold , edit - You need to ___ your writing before you "turn it in", climate - We better help stop ____ change! ,

Final Syllable -et, -it, -ate


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