Name one thing you often have to buy., Name three things you mustn't do in a restaurant., Name two things you can't do in a park., Name four things you don't have to do if you shop online., Name one thing you can't do in a library., Name two things you have to do every day., Name four things you must do before you get on a plane., Name five things you have to take with you if you go abroad., Name three things you have to do if you have a pet., Name three things you mustn't do when you are driving a car., Name three things you mustn't do in a cinema., Name four places where you can't go if you don't pay., Name two things you must do if you want to lose weight., Name two things you have to do in the morning., Name five things you don't have to do when you're on holiday., Name two things you mustn't do in a public place., Name four things you don't have to do every day., Name three things you can't do before you are 18 years old..

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