1) People ... make a lot of noise in a hospital. a) must b) mustn’t c) don’t have to 2) You ... study a lot to be an architect.  a) must b) mustn’t c) have to 3) People who work in a taxi ... wear a uniform. a) doesn’t have to b) don’t have to c) mustn’t 4) You ... eat that bread! It’s a week old! a) must b) don’t have to c) mustn’t 5) You ... take off your shoes if they are clean. a) doesn’t have to b) don’t have to c) mustn’t 6) We ... eat at that new Chinese restaurant! I’ve heard it’s really good! a) have to b) must c) don’t have to 7) We ... take exams at the end of the school year. a) have to b) has to c) must 8) You ... drink and drive. a) don’t have to b) mustn’t c) has to 9) She ... visit her grandparents more often! a) have to b) must c) has to 10) Jason ... get up early because he’s got an appointment with a doctor. a) mustn’t b) doesn’t have to c) has to 11) You ... walk near the edge of the cliff. It’s too dangerous! a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) have to 12) She ... finish her breakfast if she doesn’t want to. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) mustn’t 13) When Tom was 16, he was a fast runner. He ...... run 100m in 12 seconds! a) must b) could c) can 14) It's getting windy outside. You ...... put your coat on. a) had to b) should c) can 15) You ....... feed the dog. I've already done it. a) can't b) are not allowed c) don't have to 16) We ________________ wear shoes in our classes. a) can't b) aren't allowed to c) shouldn't

MODAL VERBS (Unit 3 / class 7)


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