When is Hugo flying to New York?, What did Petra ask?, How many times has Mark seen this film?, Did you go out yesterday?, Where are you going on holiday?, How long has Jack been trying to get that job?, What colour is Bob’s car?  , Has Laura phoned George?, Why is Joy late?, Has Bob passed his driving test?, Are you going to buy the Ferrari?, What was Sarah doing when you visited her?, How much money has Danny saved?, What does Pat want to talk about?, Has anybody ordered a cab?, What colour has Jack painted his house? , What time did you leave?, Have you heard about Kate's marriage?, How long has Jack been trying to get that job?, How is Jane going to travel to Spain?, Is Petra preparing for her exam?, Why wasn’t Bob dancing at the party?, Which hotel did you recommend?, Where can I find a good restaurant?, How many people live in the world?, Where did Petra get all that money?, How much do you spend on clothes?, Does your mom like to do shopping in New York?, What will you talk about at the meeting?, Is it cold outside?.

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